Below is an overview of the main projects that I've been working on. Follow the link to view the code - I'm a big fan of open-source so feel free to fork me! :)
This is my first website written from scratch in basic HTML, CSS and simple JavaScript. The website project source code is hosted on my Gitlab page - check it out on the link below.
A JavaScript adaptation of the well-known card trumping game.
A word and phrase generator, for use alongside whiteboards for playing popular board games.
A scoring assistant for a number of popular board and card games.
An assistant for the Heat: Pedal to the Metal board game, to help with the AI ('Legends') module.
A simple metronome for all your ticking needs. No ads, no clutter.
RiffHapPy is a musical riff generator.
Use a fancy GUI to experiment and find your next song's new hook!
My configuration files (dotfiles) for Linux applications I use are available on my Gitlab page. This includes the following:
Hi again! This is a bit about me.
By day, I'm a qualified actuary (unfortunately that means no more exam pain :) ).
In my spare time I like to code, among various other less exciting hobbies (such as board games and breathing).